New Elm dashboard for Triumph
It’s not just Kitchens we create at Auspicious. We also get asked to work on a wide range of wood projects. And this is particularly interesting one, to re-veneer a Triumph dashboard out of a piece of English Elm, the same veneer we often use in our kitchens.
The first stage of a make over like this is to clean all old Lacquer and any oil residue from the front and back face of the dash
Original dashboard used as a template.
After choosing the veneer and the grain direction we then lay the dash over it to use as a template.
Once the template has been made a loose shape is cut out, the dash has glue placed over it and the put into a vacuum bag .
Air is sucked out so an even pressure is placed over the dash and the let to dry.
The Elm veneer is being glued to the dashboard via a vacuum press.
Dashboard in the clean up stage.
Once the holes are cut for the dials and switches, the veneer is inspected and then sanded, with some finish touches of osmo hard wax oil to protect the wood and bring out it’s grain.
The finished fine article.